Ideas for Early Elementary Schoolers

My twins are in first grade as I’m writing this and it’s hard to believe some days – but they are reading and adding and playing soccer. Despite the many things that have changed however, my approach to education has not.

I still believe that kids learn best when they are interested. We all do, right?

I still believe in education that is inspired by children and focused on how they are developing right now and what makes them feel passionate about learning each day.

I still believe in field trips and walks and making concepts come alive with real life experiences.

also read: 10 Things to Bring on a Field Trip

The older kids get the broader their view of the world gets and the broader their interests get. It is possible that the things that have interested my school aged kids may not tickle the ones in your home, but my hope is that our process will still inspire you.

Below are the interests and units that we have explored (often re-exploring ones they enjoyed as younger kids) and embedded learning opportunities within.

Project Approach Ideas
for Kindergarten, First Graders
and Second Graders


Community Helpers


Engineering / Building


Military History & Culture

Nature / Natural Environment

Sports & The Olympics

Around the World

Unit Ideas for Kindergarten, First, Second and Third Grade

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